Spearfishing regulation
Hello fellow spearos!
Let me first start by apologizing if I am posting in the wrong section and for writing in English, but unfortunately I do not speak or write Bulgarian so I had to use google translate to get to this section of the forum.
I am from Romania and I am looking into planning my next spearfishing trip and I am trying to understand what the current laws around spearfishing are in your country as it's much closer and weekend trips are possible, when comparing to Greece. Today Romanian legislation is not very spearfishing friendly and I'm trying to find out where I can go and safely practice my hobby.
I did find this website [link] yet I am not sure whether the information is up to date, so hopefully you can help with some answers.
1 - Do I need to hold some sort of a spearfishing license?
2 - Are there any special regulations/permits for holding a harpoon/speargun or entering the country with one?
3 - Is there a prohibition period and if so, does it cover other fish species except turbot / calcan? I'm referring to one on mullets for example.
Thank you all for your support!
Clear waters,
Well come.
Indeed Turbot (Psetta maxima) is prohibited for spearos, the others look the same.
Can you give some info about spearfishing laws in Romania and particularly for foreigners?
Good luck
Thank you for your swift answer! So I take it that the text available on the link is mostly valid. What about owning and having a speargun with me? Do I need a permit for it, or do you know if this will give me any trouble legal wise?
In Romania unfortunately spearfishing is not allowed. A fishing law passed, I think ~10 years ago, prohibited catching fishing with a series of multiple devices and techniques, including any pointed devices. Even if spearos were not the focus of this law, we got caught in the middle so to say. The community is very small so there's little to no focus from the authorities to update it.
In terms of owning a speargun, any person above 18 can legally buy, own & transport one within and outside Romania without special permits or notifying the authorities. Actually the arms and munitions law clearly says that harpoons can only be used for shooting aquatic organisms, so there's a misalignment between the two laws.
This is the reason I'm looking into the northern seashore of Bulgaria as an alternative where I can easily get on weekends within a 2-3 hours drive.
What you read in Medfish is correct, except for the turbot- it's illegal all year round. Other than that, you don't need a license and you won't have any problems carrying around a speargun. Actually, the only way you can get in real trouble is if you catch a turbot. That's the only thing the agents of the Bulgarian fishing agency really care about.
Thank you for all your swift replies - very happy to see that Bulgarian laws are much better and I can legally spearfish. Now I need to plan my next weekend trip, hahaha
16-05-2016 19:28
The harpoon in Bulgaria is legal only for the sea , not for fresh water!
Don't forget one like these!
Jet Mads are everywhere!
I am going taking a buoy with flag with me, because I understand this is the law and also because it is easier to carry the gun, water, phone in waterproof bag, and so on, but let me ask this: is the meaning of the buoy with flag generally known by people in boats and/or jetskis?
I've once had the buoy used as a mark for fast jet ski turnings so I am somewhat afraid that it will just be a magnet for them, curious to see what it is.
Boats men usually know the meaning of the float. Guys on jets are a different story- a lot of them are complete morons that don't know or simply don't care for human life. Good news is jets are rare is the Northern part simply because the shore is hard to reach.
Ok, got it.
Thank you very much for your replies and very good information!
Iskam na more
19-05-2016 08:58
Don't underrate the waves!!! Тhe shore is high, so it's difficult to get out in decent waves.
Be aware for thives.
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